Job Rejection Email Template

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About this template

One of the most challenging tasks in human resources is communicating rejections in the application process in a respectful and professional manner. The correct procedure when rejecting applications is crucial to maintaining the reputation of your company and keeping candidates in good memory.

In this template you will various samples of application rejections, including rejections on applications in general and rejections after a job interview.


Why is an application rejection so important in the company?

Application rejection is a crucial part of the application process in a company and plays an important role for various reasons:

Professionalism and image of the company

A well-worded rejection conveys an image of the company's professionalism and respect for the applicants. This contributes to the positive perception of the company and can strengthen its reputation.

Expectations of the applicants

Applicants invest time and energy in the application process. A rejection informs applicants that their application has been reviewed and a decision has been made. This helps eliminate uncertainty and creates clarity.

Building relationships

Even if an applicant is not selected for a particular position, he or she may be a potential candidate for other positions in the company in the future. A polite rejection can keep the door open for future applications and encourage relationship building.

Legal Aspects

Some countries and regions have legal requirements that require a written cancellation. A correct rejection can help minimize legal risks.

How do you deal with a rejection?

A rejection during the application process can be disappointing, but it is important to accept it as part of your professional life and deal with it constructively:

1. Understanding

Try to understand the reasons for the cancellation. There could be various factors that led to the company's decision.

2. Positive outlook

View the cancellation as an opportunity for personal growth. Use feedback, if available, to improve your skills and qualifications.

3. Further application

Don't take the rejection personally and continue applying for other job offers that match your skills and interests.

4. Network

Maintain contact with companies that have piqued your interest. They could offer a suitable position at a later date.

How do you write an application rejection?

Writing an application rejection requires sensitivity and professionalism. Here are some steps to help formulate a rejection:

Clarity and directness

The rejection should be clear and direct to avoid misunderstandings. The applicant should be made clear that he or she was not selected for the advertised position.

Express appreciation

Thank the applicant for their interest in the position and for their time invested. Show appreciation for his qualifications and commitment.

Justification (optional)

If appropriate and possible, you can provide a general reason for the rejection. However, avoid overly detailed reasons to minimize legal risks.

Positive closing words

Wish the applicant much success in his professional future and thank you again for his application.

Polite conclusion

Complete the rejection politely and professionally and offer support if you have any questions.

A sample application rejection email has already been provided in a previous answer and can serve as a guide.

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