What is Rolled Up Holiday Pay in UK? A Complete Guide

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In this guide you will find everything there is to know about rolled up holiday pay.

What is rolled up holiday pay?

Rolled up holiday pay, also known as "included holiday pay," is a method of paying an employee's regular wages or salary rather than making a separate payment for the employee's annual leave. Essentially, the holiday pay is "rolled up" into the employee's pay rate, which includes an additional amount to compensate for their holiday entitlement.

This means that employees will still receive their regular pay, which includes rolled-up pay when they take time off for annual leave.

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Holiday pay is an essential entitlement for workers, allowing them to take time off work and recharge. It is also essential to worker well-being and can positively impact productivity and job satisfaction. There are various methods of paying holiday pay, which include basic pay and alternatives such as accrual-based and separate holiday pay payments.

Is rolled up holiday pay allowed in the UK?

Rolled up holiday pay is not allowed in the UK. It was ruled unlawful by the European Court of Justice in 2006, and this ruling was upheld by the UK Supreme Court in 2014.

Rolled up holiday pay is a system where employers include an amount for holiday pay in the employee's hourly rate. This means that the employee is not paid separately for holiday leave when they take it.

The European Court of Justice ruled that rolled up holiday pay is unlawful because it discourages employees from taking their full entitlement to holiday leave. This is because employees may feel that they are losing out financially if they take time off, as they will not be receiving any additional pay for it.

The UK government has not yet passed legislation to specifically outlaw rolled up holiday pay, but it is illegal under the common law. This means that employees can bring legal claims against their employers if they are not paid properly for their holiday leave.

There are a few exceptions to the rule that rolled up holiday pay is unlawful. For example, it is allowed in certain cases where employees have a fixed salary and a guaranteed number of hours per week. However, these cases are very rare, and most employers will need to find a different way to pay their employees for holiday leave.

When did rolled-up holiday pay become illegal uk

Rolled up holiday pay became illegal in the UK in 2006, following a ruling by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) in the case of Robinson-Steele v RD Retail Services Ltd and others. The ECJ ruled that rolled up holiday pay is unlawful because it discourages employees from taking their full entitlement to paid annual leave.

The UK government has not yet passed legislation to specifically outlaw rolled up holiday pay, but it is illegal under the common law. This means that employees can bring legal claims against their employers if they are not paid properly for their holiday leave.

Despite being illegal, rolled up holiday pay is still used by some employers, particularly in sectors with irregular working hours, such as construction, retail, and hospitality. If you think your employer may be paying you rolled up holiday pay, you should speak to them about it or seek legal advice.

Rules for zero hour contract workers

Workers on a zero hours contract are entitled to paid holidays like any other employee. However, the rules for calculating holiday pay for zero-hour workers can be somewhat complex. The worker's holiday pay should be based on their average pay over the previous 12 weeks, considering any overtime, bonuses, or other payments. This is known as the "reference period" method of calculating holiday payment.

The reference period method can be challenging to apply to workers with irregular timesworked or pay. It may be difficult to determine an accurate average hourly wage over the previous 12 weeks. This can lead to disputes over the amount of holiday payment a worker is entitled to and may result in workers not receiving their full holiday entitlements.

How rolled up holiday pay is calculated

female with glasses calculating expenses

Calculating a worker's average pay can be somewhat complicated, as it requires considering several different factors, such as the workers's pay, the number of holidays they are entitled to, and the length of their annual leave.

To calculate the correct amount, you must determine the employee's hourly rate over a reference period, usually the previous 12 weeks. This average pay is then used to calculate the employee's holiday payment for a week's paid annual leave.

Several factors go into the calculation of annual leave entitlement. These include the employee's hourly pay, bonuses or commissions, and specific allowances. The employee's average pay is calculated by adding up all of these amounts over the reference period and dividing them by the number of weeks.

Once the employee's payment has been determined, one can use it to calculate their holiday pay for a week's annual leave. This is done by multiplying the employee's average pay by the statutory holiday entitlement for a week, which is 5.6 in the UK.

For example, if an employee's average pay is £500 per week, their holiday pays for a week's annual leave would be £500 x 5.6 = £2,800.

Several potential challenges and complexities can arise when calculating unpaid holiday pay. For example, it may be challenging to determine the appropriate reference period, especially for workers with irregular hours or normal pay.

In addition, there may be issues with ensuring that the worker receives their full holiday entitlements, mainly if their payment includes a component for holiday pay that is not identified.

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Alternatives to holiday pay

Employers can use alternatives to roll up holiday pay to pay their worker's holiday entitlement. One such alternative is accrual-based holiday payment, where the employee accrues holiday pay over the year based on the number of hours they work.

The employee's holiday payment is calculated and paid separately from their regular wages or salary.

Another alternative to rolled up payment is separate holiday pay payments. This method involves paying the employee's holiday payment separately from their regular pay, either in a lump sum or as a series of payments.

This allows the employee to see the amount of holiday pay they are receiving, which can be helpful for budgeting and planning for annual leave.

Each alternative to rolled up holiday pay has its advantages and disadvantages. Accrual-based holiday pay can be more transparent for employees, as it separates their holiday pay from their regular pay.

However, it can also be more administratively burdensome for employers, as they must track the employee's holiday time and make separate holiday pay payments.

Separate holiday pay payments can also be more transparent for employees, but they may be less convenient for the employer as they require additional payment processing.


Rolled up holiday pay is a method of paying employees' holiday entitlements as part of their regular wages or salary rather than making a separate payment.

It is often used by workers in industries with a high proportion of casual or zero-hour workers, as it can simplify holiday pay calculations and payment. However, this arrangement has faced criticism and legal challenges. Some argue that it is confusing for workers and may result in them not receiving their full holiday entitlements.

There are alternatives to rolling up pay, including accrual-based and separate pay payments. Each method has advantages and disadvantages, and workers should consider the pros and cons when deciding how to pay holiday entitlements.

The legal status of rolled up pay varies depending on the country and legal framework in which it is used. In the UK, it has been ruled to be technically illegal, while in the EU, it is permitted as long as the worker receives at least the minimum holiday entitlements required by law.

Regardless of whether or not rolled up holiday pay is legal in a particular country, employers should be aware that it can potentially lead to workers not receiving their full holiday entitlements and should take steps to ensure that employees are fully aware of their rights.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • There are a few reasons why rolled up holiday pay is not allowed in the UK:

    • It discourages employees from taking their full entitlement to holiday leave.
    • It can make it difficult for employees to calculate how much holiday pay they are entitled to.
    • It can make it difficult for employers to comply with the law on holiday pay.
Topic: Pay
Rinaily Bonifacio

Written by:

Rinaily Bonifacio

Rinaily is a renowned expert in the field of human resources with years of industry experience. With a passion for writing high-quality HR content, Rinaily brings a unique perspective to the challenges and opportunities of the modern workplace. As an experienced HR professional and content writer, She has contributed to leading publications in the field of HR.


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