Employer Reference: Everything You Need to Know + Free Template

former employee, job title, employment dates, more informed hiring decision

In this detailed guide we look at the importance of employer references in the hiring process and break down the details of the reference check procedure.

What is an employer reference?

An employer reference is a written or verbal statement provided by a former or current employer, which gives information about an employee's work history, job performance, skills, and abilities. It is typically requested during a job application process, as it serves as a testimony to the applicant's professional experience and capabilities.

Employers use these references to verify a candidate's qualifications and work experience and gain insight into their work ethic, character, and potential fit within the company. A good reference can help a candidate stand out from other applicants and potentially increase their chances of being hired.

By conducting thorough reference checks, employers can make more informed decisions and ensure a smooth onboarding experience for the new hire and the company.

Employer references help paint a more comprehensive picture of a candidate's work history beyond what is provided in their resume or cover letter.

They allow hiring managers to verify the following:

  • Employment dates
  • Job titles
  • Responsibilities and understanding of the candidate's work ethic
  • Skills
  • Attitude

This information is critical for determining whether the candidate will fit the company culture and the specific role they are applying for

In essence, employer references are essential in mitigating the risks of hiring the wrong person, leading to increased turnover, decreased productivity, and potential legal issues.

Free Employere Reference letter

Free Employere Reference letter


The role of Federal and State Laws

Obtaining and providing employer references are not without challenges. Both employers and former employees must navigate a complex landscape of laws that govern the exchange of information during the hiring procedure.

These laws are designed to protect the privacy of job applicants, ensure fairness in the hiring procedure, and prevent discrimination.

For instance, some states have enacted laws limiting the information employers can disclose about a former employee.

In contrast, others require written consent from the candidate before a reference can be contacted.

To comply with these laws, employers must diligently approach reference checks.

This includes obtaining written consent from candidates, asking appropriate and work-related questions during reference calls, and ensuring that the information obtained is used solely for making an informed hiring decision.

By following these guidelines, HR professionals can minimize potential legal liabilities and protect themselves from claims of discrimination or defamation.

Why should HR ask for employee references?

HR professionals should prioritize obtaining employee references during the recruitment process for several reasons.

These references provide invaluable insights into certain aspects of a candidate's work history, enabling HR professionals to make more informed hiring decisions.

Conducting reference checks offers numerous benefits, including the validation of a candidate's experiences, the prevention of potential legal issues, and the overall improvement of the hiring procedure.

Benefits of Conducting Reference Checks

One of the primary benefits of conducting reference checks is the ability to verify the information provided by the candidate.

A comprehensive evaluation of a candidate's work experience, skills, and accomplishments goes beyond what can be gleaned from a resume or cover letter.

When speaking with former employers and colleagues, hiring managers can better understand candidates' performance in previous roles, work ethic, and ability to fit into the company culture.

This information is essential for determining whether the candidate is the right match for the open position, thereby reducing the likelihood of a poor hiring decision that could lead to increased turnover and associated costs.

Avoiding Potential Legal Issues

Conducting reference checks to validate a candidate's credentials can help HR professionals avoid potential legal issues.

HR professionals must navigate a complex landscape of hiring laws.

These laws are designed to protect the privacy of job applicants, ensure fairness in the recruitment procedure, and prevent discrimination.

By conducting reference checks in a thorough and compliant manner, HR professionals can minimize the risk of potential legal liabilities, such as claims of discrimination, defamation, or invasion of privacy.

Making Informed Hiring Decisions

Reference checks are valuable in making informed decisions.

HR professionals often face significant challenges in determining which candidate fits a specific role based on resumes and job interviews alone.

Reference checks allow HR professionals to gather additional information about the candidate's work performance, interpersonal skills, and adaptability.

This information can help potential hires and managers make more informed decisions, leading to a better match between the candidate and the position and increased employee satisfaction and productivity.

Conducting reference checks can also help identify potential red flags that might not be apparent during the interview.

For example, a reference might reveal a history of conflict with colleagues or supervisors, a pattern of absenteeism, or issues with meeting deadlines.

Uncovering these potential concerns can help HR professionals make more informed decisions and avoid bringing on an employee who may not be a good fit for the company or the role.

The reference check process


The reference or background checks process is essential to the hiring journey, providing HR professionals with valuable insights into candidates' work history, skills, and overall suitability for the position.

To ensure a smooth and successful reference check procedure, HR professionalsshould focus on informing candidates upfront, conducting thorough checks, and ensuring accuracy and fairness in reference check questions.

Informing Candidates Upfront About Reference Checks

First and foremost, HR professionals must inform candidates about the reference check process. This communication should occur during the interview or when extending a conditional job offer.

By being transparent about the procedure, HR professionals can set clear expectations and help candidates understand the importance of providing relevant reference information.

Candidates should be allowed to provide their consent for a reference call, as some states require written permission before contacting former employers or supervisors.

This step adheres to legal requirements and fosters trust between the potential employer and the candidate.

How to conduct employee reference checks

Next, HR professionals must understand how to conduct employee checks effectively.

This procedure typically involves contacting the candidate's previous job, supervisors, or colleagues to gather information about their job performance, skills, and ethics.

HR pros should prepare open-ended, job-related questions to ensure a productive conversation focusing on specific aspects of the candidate's work experience.

Such questions include inquiries about the candidate's ability to work in a team, handle deadlines, or adapt to changing circumstances.

Managers need to listen actively during the reference check and take detailed notes.

This documentation can be helpful in the event of a dispute or legal claim and can serve as a valuable resource when comparing multiple candidates.

HR professionals should also be mindful of any legal restrictions on the information they can obtain during a reference check, such as those related to salary history or protected characteristics like race, gender, or age.

Ensuring accuracy and fairness during the process

Finally, ensuring accuracy and fairness during the reference check procedure is paramount.

HR professionals should strive to treat all candidates equally by asking the same set of questions and following the same procedure for each reference check.

This consistency can help to minimize the risk of discrimination or bias and ensure a more accurate assessment of each candidate's qualifications.

Moreover, HR professionals should take steps to verify the information obtained during a reference call, such as cross-referencing it with the candidate's resume or application materials.

This verification can help identify discrepancies or inconsistencies indicating potential issues, questions, or concerns.

It is also crucial for HR professionals to maintain confidentiality throughout the reference check process.

Any information obtained should be used solely for making an informed hiring decision and should not be shared with other employees or parties without a legitimate need to know.

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Types of employer reference letters

Former employer references are critical in hiring, offering valuable insights into a candidate's work history, skills, and overall suitability for a position.

There are three main types of employer reference letters:

  • Factual reference letters
  • character reference letters
  • job performance reference letters

Each type serves a unique purpose, providing different information to HR professionals.

Factual Reference Letters

These reference letters are the most common reference letters provided by the previous HR team.

Checking references provide objective, verifiable information about a candidate's employment history, such as job titles, dates of employment, and specific responsibilities.

These reference letters often briefly describe the company and the candidate's organizational role.

While these letters typically do not delve into the candidate's personal qualities or job performance, they are essential for verifying the information in their resume or application materials.

Character reference letters

On the other hand, character reference letters focus on a candidate's qualities and attributes relevant to the job they are applying for.

These letters are usually written by individuals who know the candidate well, such as former colleagues, mentors, or acquaintances.

A character reference letter provides insight into the candidate's work ethic, attitude, interpersonal skills, and unique characteristics that make them particularly suited for the position.

These letters can help potential employers better understand the candidate's personality and how they might fit into the company culture.

Job performance reference letters

Job performance reference letters are a more detailed and specific type of reference letter that delves into a candidate's past work performance.

These letters are typically written by former supervisors or managers who can speak to the candidate's accomplishments, strengths, and areas for improvement within their previous roles.

Job performance reference letters may include information about the candidate's ability to meet deadlines, work under pressure, and collaborate.

They may also provide examples of projects or tasks the candidate has completed, showcasing their skills and expertise.

Essential components of an employer's reference letter

When composing a reference letter, ensure that you incorporate the following:

Connection to the candidate

Outline your relationship with the employee to validate your credibility as a reference.

Specify the nature of your professional association, how long you have known the employee, and any other references or personal acquaintances you may have with them.

Organization Name

Remember to mention the name of your company or institution.

Duration of employment

If applicable, provide the start and end dates of the employee's tenure. Most recipients require this information to process applications accurately.

The position occupied

Include the employee's job title and a brief description of their responsibilities.

By clarifying the extent of the employee and previous supervisor's role, you can assist potential employers in determining whether the candidate would be a suitable fit.

Justification for their candidacy

Share at least one specific instance demonstrating the employee's capabilities based on your experience working with them.

Please elaborate on the skills they employed and the resulting outcome of the situation.

Motivation for providing the endorsement

Reference letters typically recommend an employee for a job, admission to an educational institution, or membership in an organization.

Please explain why you believe they would be a valuable addition to the intended position or group based on your knowledge of the employee.

Contact information

At the end of the letter, include your email address and phone number, along with a note expressing your willingness to answer any further questions.

Couple at home working on laptop computerCreating a well-structured and comprehensive document that adheres to rules is crucial when providing an employer reference letter.

A well-crafted reference letter should include essential info about the candidate while considering legal guidelines to avoid potential issues.

Components of a well-structured reference letter

Components of a well-structured reference letter include an appropriate heading and salutation, a clear statement of the letter's purpose, a concise summary of the candidate's work history and qualifications, specific examples of their accomplishments, and a closing statement offering additional contact information for follow-up inquiries.

Including essential details about the candidate

To provide essential details about the candidate, the letter should begin with a brief introduction of the candidate's full name and job title and the relationship between the candidate and the person writing the reference letter.

The letter should also include information about the candidate's roles and responsibilities within the organization, the duration of their employment, and any significant achievements or contributions they made.

Additionally, the letter can highlight the candidate's relevant skills, work ethic, and personal qualities that demonstrate their suitability for the position.

Adhering to regulations while writing the letter

Adherence to federal and state regulations when writing a reference letter is essential. HR professionals should be mindful of legal restrictions on the information they disclose about a former employee, such as salary history or protected characteristics like race, gender, or age.

The HR team should also ensure that the information provided in the reference letter is accurate, objective, and job-related to avoid potential legal liabilities, such as claims of discrimination or defamation.


In conclusion, providing an employee with a reference letter is essential to ensure they have the best chance of success.

A well-structured and comprehensive document should include crucial details about the candidate while adhering to rules and regulations.

By summarizing their work history, responsibilities, skills, achievements, qualities, and more, you can give them a leg up when getting hired or accepted into educational institutions or organizations.

When writing your reference letters, always provide accurate information that pertains directly to job performance, as this will help protect both parties from potential legal liabilities.

Topic: Employer
Rinaily Bonifacio

Written by:

Rinaily Bonifacio

Rinaily is a renowned expert in the field of human resources with years of industry experience. With a passion for writing high-quality HR content, Rinaily brings a unique perspective to the challenges and opportunities of the modern workplace. As an experienced HR professional and content writer, She has contributed to leading publications in the field of HR.


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