Applicant Tracking System: The Comprehensive Recruitment Solution

hand on screen identifying the most qualified candidates, , applicant tracking system software

In this article we will explore why having an ATS makes maximizing efficiency easier and provide helpful tips for choosing which system best suits your organization's needs.

What is an Applicant Tracking System (ATS)?

An applicant tracking system (ATS) is a recruitment software solution designed to help organizations with their recruitment efforts.

This applicant tracking software can automate many of the more tedious aspects of the hiring process, such as posting job ads, collecting resumes, and scheduling job interviews.

It also stores important information about all the job applicants in one place, which makes it easy for recruiters to access resumes and track applicants throughout the hiring process quickly.

Additionally, some ATS systems offer applicant tracking analytics that help HR professionals make data-driven decisions about which candidates to hire.

Why do you need an Applicant Tracking System?

Having ATS software in place can be extremely beneficial for organizations seeking to maximize recruitment efficiency.

Attract qualified candidates

With automated job posting to multiple job boards, social media platforms, and other recruitment channels, ATS expands the organization's reach to a wider pool of candidates. The system also provides a centralized database of candidates, making identifying and engaging top talent easier. Additionally, an ATS can be customized to target specific demographics, ensuring the right candidates for the job openings are reached.

Time and Cost Efficiency

Recruitment can be time-consuming and expensive, but an ATS can help streamline and automate many manual tasks. For instance, an ATS can automate job posting, screening, scheduling, and communication with candidates, freeing up recruiters' time and reducing hiring expenses. This can save organizations significant time and money in the long run.

Improved Candidate Experience

An ATS can help create a positive candidate experience throughout the recruitment process. The system can provide timely feedback, updates, and personalized communication, making candidates feel valued and informed. ATS also provides an easy-to-use interface for job applications, which enhances the candidate experience and helps build the employer branding.

Better Quality of Hires

An ATS can help identify the best candidates for the job by providing tools to assess their qualifications and fit. An ATS can quickly identify top candidates based on their skills and experience by automating candidate screening and ranking. This helps hiring managers make better hiring decisions, leading to improved quality of hires, better retention rates, and increased employee satisfaction.

Data-Driven Hiring Decisions

An ATS can provide valuable insights into the hiring process by tracking metrics such as time-to-fill, source of hire, and cost-per-hire. This data can help organizations make data-driven decisions, optimize the hiring process, and measure the effectiveness of their recruitment strategies.

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As organizations grow, their recruitment needs evolve, and an ATS can help them scale their hiring process accordingly. An ATS can provide the tools and features necessary to manage the hiring process at scale, including customized workflows, job templates, and automated communication. 

This ensures that the hiring process remains consistent and efficient, even as the organization expands.

Key features to look for in an Applicant Tracking System

business man indicating 5 star rating with wooden blocks
  • Resume parsing – An Applicant Tracking System (ATS) with resume parsing capabilities can automatically extract relevant information from resumes and populate candidate profiles.

  • Advanced search – Advanced search features allow recruiters to search for candidates based on specific criteria, such as keywords, job titles, and education level. 

  • Multi-channel candidate sourcing – This feature allows recruiters to post job openings on multiple platforms and job boards simultaneously. This increases the reach of job postings, making attracting a larger pool of qualified candidates easier.

  • In-built CRM - software enables recruiters to manage candidate relationships more effectively. This feature allows recruiters to track candidate interactions, schedule follow-up tasks, and send personalized messages.

  • Reporting and analytics – An ATS with reporting and analytics features can help recruiters track key metrics such as time-to-fill, source of hire, and cost-per-hire. This data can provide valuable insights into the hiring process, enabling recruiters to optimize their strategy and make data-driven decisions.

  • Email templates – An ATS with email template functionality can help recruiters save time by allowing them to send pre-written email templates to candidates with just a few clicks. This feature can also help ensure consistency in communication with candidates.

  • Ability to schedule interviews – An ATS with interview scheduling functionality can help recruiters schedule and manage interviews more efficiently. This feature allows recruiters to send invitations and schedule interviews directly within the ATS.

  • Real-time collaboration tools - Chat functionality and commenting tools can help recruiters collaborate more effectively with hiring managers and other team members.

  • Integrations with other HR systems - Integrations with other HR systems refer to the ability of an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) to connect and share data with other HR systems, such as payroll, performance management, and human resource information systems (HRIS).

  • Automation based on certain events and conditions – With this mechanism, your ATS will only take action when a specific condition arises.

Choosing the right ATS for your business

An Applicant Tracking System (ATS) can be a powerful tool for streamlining recruitment processes and improving hiring outcomes. However, choosing the right ATS for your business can be a challenge. Here are some key factors to look at in the ATS when selecting:

  • ATS Features: Look for an ATS that offers the features and functionality you need to support your hiring process. This may include resume parsing, advanced search capabilities, candidate sourcing, reporting and analytics, and integration with other HR systems.

  • Ease of Use: An ATS should be easy to use and intuitive for both recruiters and candidates. Look for a platform with a clean, user-friendly interface and streamlined workflows that minimize administrative tasks.

  • Customization: Look for an ATS that can be customized to meet your organization's specific needs. This may include adding custom fields, creating custom workflows, and integrating with other HR systems.

  • Scalability: Choose an ATS that can grow with your business. Look for a platform that can handle increasing job openings and candidates without sacrificing performance or functionality.

  • Customer Support: Look for an ATS provider that offers responsive customer support and ongoing training to help ensure that you are getting the most out of the platform.

  • Price: Finally, consider the cost of the ATS, including setup fees, subscription fees, and any additional costs for customization, integrations, or support. Look for a platform that offers transparent pricing and a clear return on investment.

By considering these factors, you can choose an ATS that meets the specific needs of your business and helps you achieve your recruitment goals.

A step-by-step guide to choosing an ATS

Choosing the right Applicant Tracking System (ATS) can be daunting, with so many available options. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the selection process and choose an ATS that meets your organization's unique recruitment needs.

Step 1: Identify your recruitment needs

Before beginning your search for an ATS, it's important to identify your organization's specific recruitment needs. This may include determining the number of job openings you have, the types of positions you're hiring for, and the recruitment process you currently have in place.

Consider asking yourself the following questions:

  • What are the key pain points in our current recruitment process?
  • What features and functionalities are we looking for in an ATS?
  • How much are we willing to spend on an ATS?

Step 2: Research ATS options

Once you've identified your organization's recruitment needs, research ATS options. Many ATS providers are in the market, so it's important to research and evaluates each option carefully. Consider factors such as:

  • Pricing and contract terms
  • Features and functionalities
  • Ease of use
  • Integration capabilities
  • Customer support

Step 3: Evaluate key features and functionalities

As you evaluate different ATS options, consider the following key features and functionalities that an ATS should have:

  • Resume parsing: The ability to automatically extract information from resumes and store it in a candidate database.

  • Job posting and distribution: The ability to post job openings to multiple job boards and social media platforms.

  • Candidate management: The ability to track candidate progress through the hiring process, including resume submissions, interview scheduling, and communication.

  • Reporting and analytics: The ability to generate reports on recruitment metrics such as time-to-hire and cost-per-hire.

  • Integration capabilities: The ability to integrate with other HR systems, such as payroll and performance management software.

  • Candidate experience: The ability to provide a positive candidate experience through features such as personalized communication and an easy-to-use application process.

Step 4: Conduct a product demo

Once you've narrowed your ATS options, conduct a product demo with each provider to see the system in action. This will give you a better sense of the system's ease of use and features. During the demo, ask the provider to walk you through the following:

  • Setting up a job opening
  • Reviewing resumes and candidate information
  • Scheduling interviews
  • Generating reports

Step 5: Check references and read reviews

Before making a final decision, check references and reviews from other organizations that have used the ATS you're considering. This can help you better understand the system's performance, reliability, and customer support.

Step 6: Make a decision

After completing your research, product demos, and reference checks, it's time to decide which ATS to choose. When deciding, consider factors such as pricing, contract terms, features and functionalities, and customer support.

Following these steps, you can choose an ATS that meets your organization's unique recruitment needs and helps you streamline your hiring process.

ATS implementation: best practices and common challenges

business man connecting the dots on digital screen

Implementing an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) can be a significant investment of time and resources for any organization. While the benefits of an ATS are clear, some common challenges can arise during implementation. Here are some best practices for implementing an ATS and common challenges to be aware of:

  • Define Your Goals: Defining your goals and objectives for the system before implementing an ATS is important. This will help ensure that the ATS meets your organization's specific needs.

  • Identify Key Stakeholders: Identify the key stakeholders involved in the implementation process, such as HR professionals, recruiters, and IT staff. Ensure that everyone is on the same page and understands the goals and benefits of the ATS.

  • Prepare Your Data: Before implementation, it's important to prepare your data by cleaning up existing data and creating a standardized format for new data. This will help ensure that the data entered into the ATS is accurate and consistent.

  • Customize the System: The ATS must meet your organization's specific needs. This may include configuring the system to match your hiring process, adding custom fields, and creating custom reports.

  • Train Your Users: Ensure that all users of the ATS, including recruiters and hiring managers, are properly trained on how to use the system. Provide ongoing training and support to ensure users are comfortable using the system to its full potential.

Common Challenges of ATS Implementation

  • Resistance to Change: Implementing an ATS may require changes to existing recruitment processes, which can be met with resistance from some employees. Communicate the benefits of the ATS and involve employees in the implementation process to help overcome resistance.

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  • Data Quality Issues: The success of an ATS depends on the quality of the data entered into the system. Data quality issues can arise if data is not cleaned up before implementation or if there are inconsistencies in data entry.

  • Integration Challenges: Integrating an ATS with other HR systems can be challenging, especially if there are different data formats or system requirements. Work with vendors and IT staff to ensure that integrations are properly set up and tested.

  • User Adoption: It's important to ensure that all users of the ATS are using the system to its full potential. This may require ongoing training and support to help users understand the system's benefits and how to use it effectively.

  • Cost and Resource Constraints: Implementing an ATS can significantly invest time and resources. Ensure adequate budget and staffing to support the implementation process and ongoing maintenance and support of the system.
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ATS integration with HRIS and other systems

An ATS is just one of many HR systems organizations use to manage their workforce. To maximize the value of an ATS, it is important to integrate it with other HR systems, such as HRIS, payroll, and onboarding platforms. Here are some benefits and best practices for ATS integration:

Integration with Payroll

An ATS integrated with a payroll system can automatically update employee information and salaries, saving HR professionals time and effort. This can also help reduce errors, as both systems will automatically reflect changes.

Integration with Onboarding Platforms

When an ATS is integrated with an onboarding platform, candidates can seamlessly transition from the hiring process to the onboarding process without having to re-enter their information manually. This saves time and helps ensure a positive candidate experience by reducing the potential for frustration and confusion.

Integration with Performance Management System

An ATS integrated with a performance management system can help recruiters and hiring manager to make more informed decisions about candidate selection based on performance data. This can help ensure that the best candidates are chosen for positions.

Better Analytics and Reporting

Another benefit of integrating an ATS with other HR systems is that it allows for better analytics and reporting. Organizations can gain a more comprehensive view of their recruitment and hiring processes by pulling data from multiple systems into one centralized location. This can help identify areas for improvement and enable HR professionals to make more data-driven decisions.

Integrating an ATS with other HR systems can benefit organizations significantly, but it should be done carefully and with a full understanding of the potential risks. Work with vendors and IT staff to ensure that integrations are properly set up and that data is secure.

Best Practices for ATS Integration

  • Choose Systems with Open APIs: Look for systems that offer open APIs (application programming interfaces), allowing easy integration with other systems.

  • Prioritize Data Security: Ensure that all systems are secure and that data is transmitted and stored in compliance with applicable regulations.

  • Use Standardized Data Formats: Standardized data formats ensure data can be easily shared and analyzed across systems.

  • Test and Validate: Before deploying any integrations, thoroughly test and validate the integration to ensure that data flows correctly and that processes are working as intended.

  • Establish Clear Governance: Clear governance over the integration process, including ownership and responsibility for each system and data element.

6 best Applicant Tracking Systems of 2023

two happy employees in the workplace looking at data on a tablet

Here are the top 6 best applicant tracking systems:

  1. JazzHR: Best for startups and small businesses due to its affordable pricing and user-friendly interface.
  2. Rippling: Best ATS for companies that want to integrate payroll and other HR functions with their hiring process.
  3. Zoho Recruit: Best for its free trial and user-friendly interface, making it a great option for small businesses and startups.
  4. Greenhouse: Best for mid-sized businesses due to its scalability, advanced features, and robust reporting and analytics.
  5. Recruit CRM: Best ATS plus CRM, providing a range of features such as candidate tracking, sourcing, and client management.
  6. Recruitee: Best for its jobs widget, allowing companies to embed job listings on their website and social media channels.

The future of Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)

Website designer working digital tablet and computer laptop with smart phone and graphics design diagram on wooden desk as concept

Technological advances and changing hiring trends will likely drive the future of applicant tracking systems (ATS). Here are some possible developments that may shape the future of ATS:

  1. Artificial intelligence: Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) will continue to play a significant role in the evolution of ATS. These technologies can help automate repetitive tasks and improve the quality of candidate matches, making the hiring process faster and more efficient.

  2. Advanced Integrations: ATS may integrate with more video interviewing and assessment tools, allowing employers to understand a candidate's skills better and fit for the job. ATS may also increasingly integrate with other HR systems, such as performance management and compensation software, providing a more seamless end-to-end experience for hiring and retention.

  3. Mobile-friendly Versions: Mobile-friendly ATS interfaces may become more common, reflecting the trend towards mobile-first recruiting and the growing use of smartphones and tablets in job searches.


An Applicant Tracking System (ATS) is a beneficial tool for employers looking to streamline their recruiting process and maximize efficiency. 

An ATS promotes meaningful connections between employers and job seekers at every stage of the hiring process.

The ATS allows everyone involved to save valuable time while keeping standards high and helping everyone stay organized and focused on their goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • To ensure that your CV is ATS friendly, use keywords and phrases from the job description throughout your CV. Additionally, use a clear and easy-to-read format and avoid including graphics or non-text elements which may not be compatible with the ATS.

  • ATS systems process PDFs with ease and without any technical issues. The printable version of documents in the form of a PDF maintains their structure better than an editable format like Word, making it ideal for applications.

  • A chronological resume is the way to go if you want an ATS-friendly format. This CV type showcases your work experience in reverse order - with the most current job at the top!

Rinaily Bonifacio

Written by:

Rinaily Bonifacio

Rinaily is a renowned expert in the field of human resources with years of industry experience. With a passion for writing high-quality HR content, Rinaily brings a unique perspective to the challenges and opportunities of the modern workplace. As an experienced HR professional and content writer, She has contributed to leading publications in the field of HR.


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